ROHO RAFIKI® Soul Journey Posts ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

Blessings within the ordinary

Posted by Stacey Wilkins on

I had a timely RAAH (Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing) + Akashic reading too which revealed more of my soul origins and confirmed some twin flame, life path / timeline queries, but also instigated a heavy collective energetic release and shift which resulted in me feeling like I'd been hit by a truck 🛻 for 48 hours, unable to eat and barely able to get out of bed (likened to energetic surgery).

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The Romans + Londinium

Posted by Stacey Wilkins on

I’ve been looking after cheeky Lab. Benji (who ate 2 boxes of my cereal) near Colchester. Formerly called Camulodunum, it was first Roman town of Britannia. Julius Caesar tried to conquer it in 55BC.
There, I learnt there was a temple which Boudicca, of Icini tribe, destroyed before a castle was built on the remains. It was also a prison for 500 years, housing witches and prisoners in dungeons below.

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Alchemising new energies

Posted by Stacey Wilkins on

Since the solstice ☀️, I’ve been in quiet contemplation time, riding out the energies that have been passing through me; mine, collective and possible Twin Flame stuff. I know more will unfold.  Despite the time of reflection, discernment and integration, I’ve visited Ely, Anglesey Abbey, the botanic garden (with another Lebanon Cedar), seen Divine Goddess Sekhmet, Osiris and Julius Caesar and beautiful famous paintings at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, and I've found myself unexpectedly in an ancient graveyard and a closed crypt chapel. I've taken long walks through the streets and along canals and rivers, all whilst house-sitting with...

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Anchoring the energies

Posted by Stacey Wilkins on

Synchronistically, the Divine Masculine I met in Ibiza in May and I were bought back together again to work on interlocking pieces of the ascension puzzle over the summer solstice (Northern Hemisphere) ⚔️🛡️We both know that over previous weeks we’ve been positioned at key geographical points - ley lines, historical buildings and places throughout the full length of the UK to intercept, transmute, transfer and anchor energies and codes aiding Gaia and the collective ascension the planet is going through now. ⚓️🫶As TF divine masculine + divine feminine energies walking a similar life path, we were able to hold, combine...

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Shakespeare and love

Posted by Stacey Wilkins on

From Epsom, I headed up to a YHA 2 miles out of Stratford upon Avon for 3 nights - a really beautiful location and grounds. Stratford is near the UK’s longest lay line and is the birthplace and burial site of playwright Shakespeare. I arrived at the YHA, dumped my rucksack to explore, looked up and saw a beautiful heart shaped cloud which dispersed 5 secs after the photo was taken.🤍☺️📸 I was exactly where I needed to be. 🥰In the grounds stood a huge tree I was drawn to be around 👣. I had a sensation in my heart...

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