Ethics + Roho Rafiki®
I've taken a lot of care to source the right manufacturer for Roho Rafiki's clothing. I wanted a supply partner who has reciprocal ethics of respecting animals, people and our planet. I chose a Belgian supplier to produce Roho Rafiki® apparel.
From the cotton fields of India to the final product that you wear, all stages of the manufacture and distribution process are certified by independent bodies to ensure that everyone in the supply chain process is positively impacted.
The high quality organic cotton clothing is chemical free, sourced responsibly, ethically and sustainably, and is 100% vegan. And there is no plastic in the clothing or the packaging.
You can be assured that garments that you buy from Roho Rafiki® have not involved a sweat shop or improper working conditions. Instead, you've helped make the lives of people and communities, better. The garments are produced to be long wearing, not fast fashion.
Garment profits will also be donated to other humanitarian, animal or environmental causes, so you can also feel good about that too. Click here to see charities Roho Rafiki® has supported to date.
By choosing to wear Roho Rafiki® clothing, you are helping to positively impact the future of our planet.
Thank you for living consciously. #RafikiSoul