Joining the dots throughout life
Posted by Stacey Wilkins on

I've made some beautiful connections and had more random compliments from strangers. I've started deliberately making eye contact with everyone I pass - in a non-threatening way obviously 👀. As a species we've become disconnected and sharing light though our eyes aid connection - and I've mostly been met with smiles and nods of acknowledgement. 😊
I've found myself again at new places…at the remains of Winchester Palace with a beautiful rose window, near Isis Temple, Southwark; inside a middle and inner temple, at Temple, in time for bells chiming midday - Pegasus the symbolism on the gates.
I've walked well over 50 miles in 4 days, seeing places and things I hadn't noticed before. I even walked past my secondary-school crush - he didn't see me, and I didn't alert him to my presence but was interesting to see how he's changed, as have I, and understand the lessons of the past. We all grow and change, and I realised how different life could have been if I’d taken different decisions at choice points. 😅
I'm ecstatically happy with my life and choices and open and free to experience whatever happens, however it unfolds. 🤩
The altered states event I mentioned I was attending - a cacao ceremony, kundalini yoga and sound healing was disappointing. This one was more a cash cow than immersive experience I hoped for, but I needed to attend and was placed there energetically, I know that now.
Before it, I wandered into Abney park cemetery nearby which was enchanting - an overgrown woodland area peppered with 100s of gravestones.
Now I’m just swapping travel kit at my parent's house and getting rest. I came across some of my old drawings too… 🐉 my soul knew my purpose then. 😊
I feel mega excited for my next country, it’s important for me... I'll let you know when I'm there, but guesses are welcome!
Never give up on your dreams... even if you don't know how to get there, make a wish, take a step and let the universe figure out the details. It’s working in your favour ✨