Rainbow portals at Winter Solstice
Posted by Stacey Wilkins on

For Winter Solstice I’ve returned to Totnes, Devon attending the christmas fairs and a winter carnival procession.❄️
Although I’ve thought it’s been a pretty quiet time, looking back over the past several days, energetically, it hasn’t.☺️
I’ve found myself back at its Ancient Well, gardens and waterways, arriving to the well as people were drinking from its waters I cleansed last time. 🐉 (see previous posts)
I also found myself at a “winter solstice circle” in a woods transmuting and activating for the collective, unknown to the rest of the group.🌹 Feeling lead heavy after 2.5 hours, I became sick overnight, releasing and purging toxicity through 🤮 and 💩 the following 48 hours. 😩Other lightworkers also purging and releasing for the greater good. 🌍
Popcorn dog empathetic to my suffering.
I’ve also realised right hip pain needs my attention, which is my divine masculine aspect (right body/left brain) which has been out of balance.
Just as I made the connection, I had a vivid dream where every significant man in my life who’s hurt me, appeared. As I visualised my inner child sitting on my adult knee, I spoke about each of them and explained their behaviour was not her fault, but a reflection of their own inner turmoil projected. I gave her comfort and love, and listened to her childlike wonder as she sat innocently playing with her long blonde hair and kicking out her legs, asking questions and understanding.
An energetic release we were both ready for. Lesson complete.
I also chatted with a guy in a coffee shop who said I was beautiful and proceeded to connect me with his wife, a counsellor, who may need assistance with her workload. 🤔 Maybe we’ll see why…
I’ve been reading a lot and been out and about at beautiful Salcombe, Hope Cove, walking 6.5 miles around Sharpham burial grounds, at Torquay (pavilion - like Brighton post), anchoring and gridding.
Although most of the time I feel blessed, this life can also feel crazy 🤪 at times. Did you see the rainbow portals recently? Friends have! (Post photo taken by my good friend Kim)
My only personal glimpse was in Rome a few months ago 🌈 We’re doing it, grounding the light onto the planet and aiding our ascension.
Winter is a tough season, a chapter, a chance to rest, ground, hibernate, ready for rebirth 🌱 honour yourself through it.
Much love. 🫶