Boundaries, balance and blessings 💖
Posted by Stacey Wilkins on

I got ill coming back from Ethiopia 🇪🇹 @rr_lonewolfalchemy, but after a week, and gratitude for my body’s natural ability to heal itself, I’ve been having a blessed time back in the UK - albeit cold! 🧊
Not only was I fortunate to sit my friends’ beautiful home outside Cambridge again on the Michael/Mary ley line 💙, but I’ve had space to paint and read, retreat, rest and recharge - just be. 🎨
My parents and divine brother Sam joined me there for Christmas🎄(Sam arriving from Norway the day before Winter Solstice) and we all had a magical time - laughing, dancing, watching movies, playing board games, eating good food and exchanging a few thoughtful gifts and words with love. 🎁 It was my birthday too.
I also came across a Sekhmet statue whist exploring Cambridge city with Sam. The museum hadn’t identified her, just labelled her a demon! So I updated them on the powerful Divine Feminine. 😜🔥🛡️⚔️ I've mentioned her in previous posts.
I’m feeling very in flow with life ✨; abundance and manifestations arriving quickly into my reality.
However, personal boundaries and balance have been my key themes of recent weeks. Setting them (becoming more mindful of my delivery) letting others feel their emotions as they arise for them to navigate instead of me soothing their discomfort; and keeping my own energetic balance when strangers have projected my way, not letting them affect my inner peace.💚
I’ve headed to London for NYE and had a quick visit to the Royal Academy of Arts to see work by Michaelangelo, Leonardo and Raphael.
A kind bus driver also helped me navigate from A-B, planned my 3 bus changes I needed, waited with me to check transfer times to ensure no extra costs for my journey. 😊 A white feather on my final bus seat - flow. The free box of chocs and Hampton Court Palace pass were appreciated too.✨
Lesson for us all: Don’t give ANY external energy the power to impact or affect ours negatively. We don’t have to!🕯️
New Year 2025, let’s go! Wishing you all peace, love, health and freedom. 🥂💫❤️