From Barcelona to Brighton

Posted by Stacey Wilkins on

Brighton Pier photo
From Barcelona I went on to Sitges for a few days as I felt compelled to be around a new friend courageously having first time IVF treatment by herself. She recently confirmed that she’s pregnant. 🤩

I returned to Barca with trips to the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya and Botanical Gardens where dragonfly spirit stopped by 😍. I then flew back into the UK to stay at the coast of Hove/Brighton.

There, I experienced a McLaren 570S at the London to Brighton rally. The owner asked if I wanted to get in - “hell yes!” - a dream gifted. The sound. 🤤🙌

In Brighton, I meandered around the town and also visited the Pavilion, a Tartarian building. I sat in its gardens and connected in with the building where I was shown, via my third-eye, inside as a hospital during a war. An employee confirmed it was a hospital during WW1.✨

Since I’ve returned to the UK, new doors/cycles have opened that I’m stepping through. I’ve been strengthening my own connection to Source, learning, integrating new knowledge from my Spanish chapter and listening to next steps as they’re being given to me, very obviously in some cases. 😂

Looking back at the events of the past few months, I can now clearly see the steps I was guided to take and why things happened as they did, even if I didn’t at the time. I’m being shown how the seemingly disparate pieces of my puzzle have been working together in a bigger divine plan.♟️🧩

I’ve been house-sitting tortoises 🐢 and a collie since I arrived which have been fun however, I’ve a few more exciting projects/experiences/lessons to have in the coming weeks which I will share in due course. 😍

Life is pretty epic when we find the courage to release the programming that restricts us. Surrender and flow. 😮‍💨

Much love and many blessings. 💚

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