The tropic of Capricorn to d'Isalo NP šŸš

Posted by Stacey Wilkins on

Stacey on the beachMadagascar isnā€™t for the inexperienced traveller. Itā€™s a very poor country and has an undeveloped infrastructure, meaning amenities are basic if thereā€™s any at all, so it's meant adjusting to circumstances readily and connecting with others beyond linguistics and phone.
In a seeming whirlwind šŸŒŖļø Iā€™ve been in beachfront beauty Anakao (on the tropic of Capricorn) connecting with locals and sea, sun, moon and stars. šŸš
I've had an overnight stay in TulĆ©ar ā€œthe white cityā€ before making my way overland and hiking 19kms in prehistoric park dā€™Isalo with my guide, Marc.
In the park, I had a glorious day understanding tribes, burials, sacrifices within the sacred mountains of the park, walking atop them and within its basin, along the river to three pools and waterfalls working with my spirit team to release šŸ‰, clear and anchor new energies into the park.
Iā€™ve had some pretty special moments and encounters too, including a crew of ring tail lemurs (Video on Lone Wolf Alchemy YouTube) when I was alone by the river, who scarpered before anyone else arrived šŸ˜‚
I saw a snake, spiders, multicoloured butterflies and dragonflies too.
Iā€™ve been in an eco lodge overlooking the mountains, kinda camping indoors with no WiFi, electric or water ā˜ŗļø but with a glorious sunset; blissfully happy (If sore)
I've also spent a lot of time on the road seeing the vast, changing landscapes from south to north which are stunning, surprisingly with both Africa and Asian influence.
The main road infrastructure is pock marked with pot craters. However Iā€™ve laughed so much, sang a lot and felt my heart expand with the warmth, connection and kindness of others ā˜ŗļø
Most Malagasy people Iā€™ve encountered have been so kind to me. Iā€™m letting my adventure flow naturally and it really is. Iā€™m instinctively knowing where I need to go (at right time), being met by souls who give me information I need to move forwardā€¦ itā€™s blowing my mind šŸ¤Æ
Tomorrow I have a 14 hour taxi-brusse (public bus) to Morondava šŸ˜… but my heart is bursting with happiness.
My latest video is on YouTube Lone Wolf Alchemy šŸŗ Follow the journey, your support is appreciated šŸ«¶

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