Baobabs, connection + community🌳
Posted by Stacey Wilkins on

I day-tripped to Kirindy forest park and was gifted a sighting of Madagascar’s only predator, the Fosse, and had more close encounters with different Lemurs.
I returned to the hub of Tana (two days drive). It was cathartic and interesting to see the stunning landscapes, interacting communities (exercising, fixing, laughing, socialising) and intense sunsets immersed in this simple, beautiful, energetically advanced, culture.
Happiness is a small section of smooth road and handing out sweets/cake to kids…
I’ve seen backbreaking manual labour here by men, women and children. There are progressive techniques that would be helpful, however, it highlighted to me how we overcomplicate sh!t in developed world. We waste life on control, bureaucracy, paperwork, legality/rules - always wanting more - never content with who we are and what we already have... happiness is so simple. Everything really is temporary. Enjoy this ride of life.
I’ve had so much divine protection 😇, people strategically placed as ‘help’, reduced prices, free/cheap rides to where I need to be, complimentary gifts, upgrades, so many smiles, so much warmth. So many blessings. Confirmations coming from strangers.
I’ve felt immeasurable gratitude and happiness for life and its steps. We get what we give. 🧲
It have felt tired though (I was starting to give my mind too much air-time), I decided to stop and recharge in Tana at a luxury spa hotel before my 30 day northern Madagascar adventure began.
So now I’ve flown to Diego Suarez... I got a lovely sea view room and had scooter sunset tour of the town and a free (3 hours!) scooter ride to Amber Mountain to see some “sacred” waterfalls... my backside didn’t’ appreciate it on these roads (ouch!)
All videos of my Madagascar🇲🇬 trip to date can be found on Lone Wolf Alchemy YouTube and my real time stories are shared @rr_lonewolfalchemy
All the love 🫶