1-2-1 Truth Guidance soul session LIVE with Stacey
As a Divine Feminine sovereign soul guide, accredited and qualified in Counselling, Transpersonal Psychology (TPP) and Past Life Regression Healing, I can help you identify and release any energetic blockages you are experiencing and aid you to live in alignment with, and embody, your most authentic self.
Your truth.
Via online platform Google Meet, I invite you to explore any aspect of your life you feel you would like to discuss with me, offering a safe space, open and friendly dialogue, intuitive guidance and a different perspective on challenges you may be struggling to overcome.
I will actively listen and intuitively assist you whilst also guiding, supporting and encouraging you to go within and reconnect to your own heart, to find the answers you seek.
Sessions are informal soul led chats, confidential and without judgement.
You lead. Let’s talk.
* These sessions are not intended to replace a professional medical diagnosis or clinical intervention. By booking a session, you understand and agree that you are fully responsible for your own well-being during the session, and subsequently, including your choices and decisions.
No guarantees given nor liability shall be taken.
This is a Lone Wolf Alchemy® product.