About Roho Rafiki®

Roho Rafiki Stacey

I’m Stacey, creator, writer + soul journey truth guide, helping to build and anchor a new timeline for humanity. Roho Rafiki® means 'a friendly soul' in Swahili.

The brand

Through Roho Rafiki®, I want to help create a new world where we’re kinder, more respectful, tolerant and compassionate towards each other through our own inner healing; creating a conscious, boundless, interconnected world that chooses love over fear, collectively raising the planet's frequency.
I’m passionate about inner healing and growth as change starts with each of us taking responsibility for ourselves and choosing how we impact the world energetically, contributing to the collective conscience. 
The organic upright triangle is the symbol of fire (passion + motivation) and our connection to the universe. It represents the power of our consciousness and the alchemy of our mind, body and soul, and is complementary to the organic inverted triangle within the brand of Lone Wolf Alchemy®.
Together, the symbols blend our beautiful masculine and feminine energies representing balance and union within.

The feather is symbolic of freedom, truth, higher wisdom and peace.

My own journey

In 2020, I left my marketing position in a corporate environment to experience more of what life has to offer. Although it felt like a risk for my mind, it felt liberating for my soul.

I started with a voluntary Workaway experience within the slums of Nairobi, Kenya and was humbled by how much the children, with so very little, wanted to engage with myself and each other, and had such enthusiasm and eagerness to play and learn; the experience profoundly touched my heart. It gave me perspective on the world and life I was living.

I returned to my own home in the UK with the unfolding of Covid19. It became my sanctuary and safe space because shortly after I did, I was catapulted into a dark night of the soul and a fast-paced spiritual awakening - a blessing, but also a confusing and turbulent time.

The following year, after an intense period of introspection, personal healing and growth, I sold everything to travel solo with my rucksack - surrendering fully to my soul's journey.

My adventures have taken me to many incredible places to have some magical and mind-blowing experiences which I document here. I have met some beautiful, light-filled, heart-centred people awakening from the collective amnesia.

The clothing

Roho Rafiki® is a simple, non-fussy, long-wearing, ethical and sustainable organic clothing brand. You can read more about the ethics and credentials of the responsibly sourced garments here.

Along the way, I donate profits from product sales to independent organisations that help humanity and aid or protect our natural world.

Purchasing from Roho Rafiki® is step closer to a fairer, kinder, more integrated planet.

Please support Roho Rafiki® on Instagram: @RohoRafiki

Asante Sana (Thank you) #RafikiSoul

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I write personal journey posts along my way and I occasionally write other blogs to aid the collective, that can be found here.